Software- and Web-Development

Software and Web Development

About Team Bitfuture

We're specialized in software development

You get a complete product from a single source. Our offer is designed to give you a full service. Got an idea? We turn it into code!

Web development
Database development
API integration
Account management
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We offer web and database development, API integration and user management.

Why working with us

You get full service and support


We programme your front and back end. If required, we'll integrate databases, APIs and user management as well as role concepts.


We host your application on servers with NVMe storage and gigabit bandwidth, and protect and optimize your application using Cloudflare.
We provide full service and support: coding, tracking, hosting and contacts.


We track the behaviour of your users so that you can develop and optimise effective marketing strategies through the analysis of this tracking data.

Contact Person

Before, during and after the development of your application, you will be assigned a personal, native German-speaking contact person.

Our Offer

We offer scalable and robust software

Responsive UI/UX Design

Experience design that adapts and looks perfect on any device. We create intuitive and engaging interfaces that your users will love.

E-mail Integration

Automate communication directly in your software - with our email integration, you can keep your users up to date at all times and improve customer loyalty.

Database Integration

Data management made easy. Our solutions offer seamless database integration that prioritises security and efficiency.

API Integration

Connect your software to the world - we enable flexible API integration for the seamless integration of external services and data.

User Management

Manage users and their data securely and easily. Our user management solutions are designed to implement role concepts and ensure data privacy.

Microservice Architecture

Scalability and flexibility for your software. By implementing a microservices architecture, we enable easy expansion and maintenance.

Our tech stack

We offer you support

Java Enterprise Development | Scalable Microservices | Spring Boot Experts | Android App Programming | Cloud-native Architectures | Highly Available Java Systems | JVM Optimisation | DevOps for Java | Agile Java Development | Java Performance Tuning


Struggling with the complexity of cross-platform enterprise applications? We simplify it.

Python Data Science | Machine Learning Implementation | Flask & Django Web Development | Automation Solutions with Python | Big Data Processing | Python for AI and Deep Learning | ETL Processes | Python Microservices | Test-Driven Development in Python | High-Performance Python Applications


Are slow development cycles and inefficient data analyses slowing down your business? We accelerate your processes.

Spring Boot Microservices | Spring Cloud for Distributed Systems | Spring Security Implementation | Spring Data JPA & Hibernate | RESTful Webservices with Spring | Spring Batch Processing | Spring Integration | Reactive Programming with Spring | Spring Testing Frameworks | Spring DevOps & CI/CD


Are outdated enterprise applications hampering your productivity and scalability? We modernise your systems.

Thymeleaf with Spring Integration | Natural Templating | Thymeleaf Layout Dialect | Internationalisation with Thymeleaf | Thymeleaf Security | Form Processing | Thymeleaf Fragment Expressions | Thymeleaf 3 Features | Server-side Rendering | Thymeleaf Performance Tuning


Do your dynamic websites suffer from performance problems? We increase the speed.

Semantic HTML5 | Responsive Web Design | Accessible Web Development | SEO-optimised Markup Structures | Cross-Browser Compatibility | HTML Email Templates | Progressive Web Apps | Structured Data with | AMP HTML | HTML5 Canvas and SVG


Are you losing visitors due to a confusing website structure? We optimise your content.

Responsive CSS Frameworks | CSS3 Animations and Transitions | Sass & Less Preprocessors | CSS Grid & Flexbox Layouts | CSS-in-JS Solutions | Mobile-First CSS Strategies | CSS Performance Optimisation | Cross-Browser CSS | CSS Architecture (BEM, SMACSS) | Dark Mode with CSS


Is your outdated website design scaring off potential customers? We create contemporary designs.

Vue.js Applications | Angular Experts | Node.js Backend | JavaScript Frameworks | PWA with JavaScript | ES6+ & TypeScript | Webpack & Babel | JavaScript Testing (Jest, Mocha) | Frontend Performance Optimisation


Are static websites frustrating your users and hurting conversion? We bring dynamism into play.

Vue.js 3 Components | Vuex State Management | Vue Router SPA | Nuxt.js for SSR | Vue PWA with Workbox | Vue.js Performance Optimisation | Vue Testing with Jest | Vue.js & TypeScript | Vue CLI Project Setup | Vue.js UI Component Libraries

Vue.js PWA

Are you losing mobile users because your web app doesn't work like a native app? We create seamless experiences.

Bootstrap Responsive Design | Bootstrap Grid System | Bootstrap UI Components | Bootstrap JavaScript Plugins | Bootstrap Theming & Customisation | Bootstrap Forms & Validation | Bootstrap Icons & Typography | Bootstrap Accessibility Features | Bootstrap Performance Optimization | Mobile-First Development with Bootstrap


Are you struggling to implement responsive designs quickly and consistently? We optimise your development process.

MDBootstrap Material Design | MDBootstrap Angular Integration | MDBootstrap React Components | MDBootstrap Vue.js Elements | MDBootstrap Premade Templates | MDBootstrap CSS Utilities | MDBootstrap JavaScript Functions | MDBootstrap E-Commerce Solutions | MDBootstrap Admin Dashboards | Progressive Web Apps with MDBootstrap


Are you looking for a solution that seamlessly combines Material Design and Bootstrap? We design modern, attractive interfaces.

Flask RESTful APIs | Flask-SQLAlchemy ORM | Flask Blueprints | Flask-Security Authentication | Asynchronous Flask with AIOHTTP | Flask Microservices | Flask Testing | Flask Caching Strategies | Flask Application Factory | Deployment of Flask Apps


Is the complexity of your web API development hampering your agility? We accelerate your projects with lean, flexible solutions.

FastAPI Async/Await | Pydantic Data Validation | OpenAPI & Swagger UI | FastAPI WebSockets | OAuth2 with JWT in FastAPI | FastAPI CORS Middleware | Dependency Injection | FastAPI with Docker | FastAPI Testing | FastAPI Deployment Strategies


Are performance bottlenecks slowing down your API-driven applications? We optimise your APIs for maximum speed and scalability.

MariaDB High Availability | MariaDB Replication & Clustering | MariaDB Performance Tuning | MariaDB Stored Procedures | MariaDB Triggers & Events | MariaDB Backup & Recovery | MariaDB Security Best Practices | MariaDB JSON Support | MariaDB for Big Data | MariaDB Cloud Deployment

MariaDB (SQL)

Are performance problems and a lack of scalability limiting your relational database? We increase the performance of your database infrastructure.

MongoDB Document Modelling | MongoDB Aggregation Framework | MongoDB Sharding for Scalability | MongoDB Atlas Cloud Services | MongoDB Indexing Strategies | MongoDB Change Streams | MongoDB Transactions | MongoDB Security & Encryption | MongoDB Data Migration | MongoDB for Real-Time Applications

MongoDB (NoSQL)

Does the rigidity of traditional databases inhibit your agility in application development? We make your data storage more flexible.

Keycloak Identity Management | Single Sign-On (SSO) Integration | Multi-Factor Authentication | Keycloak for Microservices | OAuth 2. 0 and OpenID Connect | User Management & Role-based Access Control | Keycloak API Security | Social Identity Provider Integration | Keycloak Clustering & High Availability | Token-based Authentication | Keycloak Theming & Branding | LDAP & Active Directory Integration | Keycloak Performance Optimisation | Custom Authentication Flows | Keycloak Audit & Reporting


Do security gaps and complicated logins jeopardise the trust of your users? We protect your applications.

Docker Containerisation | Docker Compose for Microservices | Docker Swarm Orchestration | Docker Security Best Practices | CI/CD with Docker | Docker Networking | Docker Volume Management | Multi-stage Docker Builds | Docker Monitoring & Logging | Kubernetes with Docker


Is a rigid infrastructure making it difficult to scale your applications? We flexibilise your system.

Our Pricing

Select a plan that suits your project


for Solopreneurs
from 6.000 €
Responsive UI/UX Design
E-mail Integration
Database Integration
API Integration
Payment Integration
User Management
Microservice Architecture

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for Start-ups
from 20.000 €
Responsive UI/UX Design
E-mail Integration
Database Integration
API Integration
Payment Integration
User Management
Microservice Architecture

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for SME/B
from 70.000 €
Responsive UI/UX Design
E-mail Integration
Database Integration
API Integration
Payment Integration
User Management
Microservice Architecture

Order now

Our Team

We develop your project

Kevin Ossenbrück

Kevin Ossenbrück

Founder and Lead Developer

Michél Gens

Michél Gens

Founder and Project Manager

Team Database

Team Database

Team Design

Team Design

Team Development

Team Development

Team DevOps

Team DevOps

Your Software,
Our Mission.

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